2024 Georgia All-In-One Labor Law Poster

TOTAL $24.99

Meets all Mandatory Requirements

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The Georgia All-in-1 State Poster includes the mandatory posters that companies need to stay in compliance with state regulations. All posters are up to date with the latest revisions and law changes.

Georgia All-in-1 State Poster

Posting Requirements

Required Posters:
  • Equal Pay for Equal Work
  • Unemployment Insurance
  • Vacation Unemployment Insurance
  • No Smoking Sign
  • Smoking Permitted - No One Under the Age of 18 Allowed
  • Bill of Rights for Injured Workers
  • Workers' Compensation Official Notice (three options available):
    • Option 1 - Panel of Physicians - This panel must include at least six (6) physicians or professional associations. The makeup of the panel must include one orthopedic surgeon, a minority physician and four other properly qualified physicians, but no more than two (2) industrial clinics. The employer determines the physicians to be included on the panel, and if the panel meets the above requirements, the employer maintains control. The panel doctor is the primary authorized treating physician. The injured worker is allowed one change to another doctor on the panel without approval.
    • Option 2 - Conformed Panel - The Conformed Panel requires a minimum of ten (10) physicians or professional associations. In addition to the physician requirements for the traditional Panel of Physicians, the Conformed Panel must include a general surgeon and chiropractor. The major difference between the traditional Panel of Physicians and the Conformed Panel is the expanded number of physicians or professional associations and the addition of general surgeon and chiropractor. The injured worker is allowed one change to another doctor on the panel without approval.
    • Option 3 - Managed Care Organization - The Managed Care Organization (MCO) provision allows insurers and employers to contract with a Board Certified MCO to provide a health care program for injured workers. This program is to include: health care providers and financial incentives to reduce service costs and utilization, peer review, service utilization review, dispute resolution, safety and an early return-to-work program. Participating organizations are required to provide each covered employee with an information card that explains how the program works and a toll-free, 24-hour telephone number to call in the event of an on-the-job injury. The employer must post the MCO procedures in prominent places on the business premises.
  • Benefits: Each option has something to offer depending on your corporate structure and philosophy. 1. The Panel of Physicians is very structured and allows you to keep control of the medical treatment of your injured workers. 2. The Conformed Panel is also structured but allows your employees an expanded choice of physicians. 3. The MCO is greatly expanded and might lend itself to organizations with multiple locations in the state. The MCO like a PPO will offer discounts. The MCO is a complete program of managed care for the injured worker.

*Please note: There may be additional required state posters that you must acquire from non-governmental sources or state registration. We are not legally able to provide you with these posters. We will, however, inform you of any additional posting requirements in your kit.