St. Petersburg Wage Theft Prevention Poster

TOTAL $12.99

Meets all Mandatory Requirements

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St. Petersburg Wage Theft Prevention poster Employers must place in a location accessible to all employees a poster, available from the City, summarizing the protections and rights of employees pursuant to Article III, Chapter 15 of the St. Petersburg Municipal Code.The Wage Theft Ordinance aims to eliminate underpayment or nonpayment of wages, unfair economic competition by 'unscrupulous businesses,' and relieve the public burden of subsidizing employees of such businesses.

St. Petersburg Wage Theft Prevention Poster

Posting Requirements

Required Posters:
  • Minimum Wage
  • Fair Employment
  • Unemployment Compensation
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Child Labor

*Please note: There may be additional required state posters that you must acquire from non-governmental sources or state registration. We are not legally able to provide you with these posters. We will, however, inform you of any additional posting requirements in your kit.